I’m not dead!

Just wanted to let you know I’m still alive and hard at work! Most of you probably won’t care all that much, but as long as no one is downright disappointed, I’ll take it as a win! Most ‘writer’ sites will have you believe that you need to blog at least once a week if you’re going to succeed in this line of work, which makes me about 59 weeks overdue. Oh well.

I don’t mean to sound sour or anything; they might be right for all I know. I’m planning to post more in the future, but for the time being I have my hands pretty god damn full with other things.

This post/update/newsflash/whatever serves three purposes (purposi?): It helps me get my affairs in order before the new year hits; it gives you all an update on what I’ve been doing and where Frostbites is; and it serves as a kind of ‘new beginning’ for myself and this site. (Did I really just write that? Ugh!)

That’s write (harr, harr, harr) folks! Robert is going to try something he’s never tried before: He’s going to work harder and be more structured when it comes to his writing! (He’s also going to stop addressing himself in the third person.) I have like, two or three readers now, as well as a writing gig on the side, so I need to step up my game. As many of you know, something strange and wonderful happened right around my previous blog post, and that is my sole excuse for delaying Frostbites and everything else:

Scary, wonderful, breath taking and time consuming!

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Trailer for Awakenings and updates!

The trailer for Awakenings is finally out! It took a while, but I finally got a look and feel I’m satisfied with. I hope you all enjoy the end-result, and that it might win over a few who are on the fence regarding The Fall of Noman, or just fantasy in general.

In other ‘not working on Frostbites, the next book in the series’, news: I’ve been collaborating with a friend of mine, Magnus Blystad, on a project called ‘Of Monsters’. You can read more about it, as well as an excerpt here! I will probably post more on this later as more is released, but I highly recommend a peak. The world Magnus has created is really a weird, unique and brilliant version of our own.

In other, other news; I’m also working on a short-story/novella called Empress, which I aim to complete over the summer. This one takes a closer look at the inner workings of the H’arians, and one of their main trade empires as they attempt to strike a deal with one of the more secluded clans. I’m also writing a found-diary kind of thing, called Survivor 1, which I suppose is more of a creepy pasta than anything else. We’ll see how it goes. Finally, Fall – the follow up to the sci-fi novella Rise – is still on schedule to be completed this year . . . for some reason. We’ll see.

That’s all for now! Thank you for your patience and your patronage. If you’re reading this and don’t know who I am, for some reason, be sure to check out my book, or my other stories!

– In due time, Bishop